“As research sites, we have to be concerned with the overhead costs of local compliance and the ability to acquire and retain business,” commented Chuck Wilcox, PhD, president of Pharmacology Research Institute (PRI). “HCP’s complimentary tools allow us to show compliance and proof of competencies in the eyes of sponsors, CROs and regulatory agencies, while allowing our PIs and healthcare professionals to connect and share our information directly with stakeholders interested in doing business with PRI. Logically, this saves all stakeholders time and resources.”
Patrick Lyden, MD
FAAN, FAHA, Chairman, Department of Neurology Carmen and Louis Warschaw Chair in Neurology Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
“As the most successful training and certification program, the NIHSS International illustrates how other programs can achieve global acceptance. By combining programs like the NIHSS into global healthcare and clinical research, we could ultimately improve outcomes as all healthcare providers learn to diagnose patients the same way – in a standardized fashion.”
Walter J. Koroshetz, MD
“When NINDS produced a full and accurate, high quality program for the NIH Stroke Scale in 2002, we knew it was something the research community badly needed. But I don’t think we could have ever dreamed that the program would reach this many people. We are impressed by the fact that this important medical tool has been made available globally, and to so many disciplines.”
Theresa Linville - Data Specialist
Carrol Hospital - Westminster, MD
“The HCP Network has shown to save our organization thousands of dollars in time and resources by tracking hundreds of our associates’ verified professional experience and training credentials in real time from different organizations, which are normally required by regulatory agencies, the Joint Commission and NCQA among others.”
Elsa Azevedo, MD, PhD
São João Hospital Center, University of Porto, Portugal; Pedro Castro, MD, São João Hospital Center, University of Porto
“The Portuguese language is spoken by 244 million people worldwide. The NIHSS certification has become a vastly important initiative, allowing healthcare providers to transnationaly use the instrument as a standard of care, ultimately leading to better outcomes for stroke patients.”
Diederik WJ Dippel, MD - Professor, Erasmus
MC University Medical Center
“The NIHSS is used widely In the Netherlands during trials. Now we have the opportunity to promote its use in routine care by certified ER personnel, stroke nurses and neurologists, and I am convinced that this will improve the care and clinical outcomes of our stroke patients.”
Arnold Hoppe, MD - Director
Facultad de Medicina Clínica Alemana, Universidad del Desarrollo, Santiago de Chile
“Spanish is spoken by nearly 406 million people in 31 countries. Not only has the Spanish-NIHSS become widely used across most of the Spanish-speaking world, it has also become a unifying tool for research, stroke registers, quality control and everyday clinical work. We are very proud of being a part of this global effort.”
Francesca Romana Pezzella, MD, PhD, MSc Stroke Unit, DEM, AOS
St Camillo Forlanini, Roma
“When the Italian-NIHSS became public, we thought we would be helping Italian stroke physicians and nurses to improve their ability to use the scale in the proper way. Over the years, we came to realize that NIHSS is not only a scale, it now belongs to a new vision of modern stroke care!”
Ramesh Sahathevan, MD, Ph.D, MRCP, M.Med
Universiti Kebangsaan, Malaysia Medical Centre
“Stroke is a major health concern in Malaysia due to the steady increase in the prevalence of vascular risk factors and a growing number of elderly. Thrombolysis for stroke is in its early days in Malaysia. Because access to the standardized program is free, it should become more widespread among healthcare providers, just as it has in other countries, and hopefully will lead to a reduction in assessment delays and improved patient care.”
Lynn Meyer - President
IntegReview IRB
“In an effort to provide unsurpassed customer service, it is our goal to eliminate duplication for the sites. Ultimately, IntegReview believes that working with BlueCloud to collaborate between investigator sites and the IRBs will result in efficiencies realized by all players. We look forward to participating in this initiative.”
Cami Gearhart - CEO
Quorum Review IRB
“We are pleased to participate in this effort to reduce the workload of study staff during study start-up. The Quorum Review team is committed to reducing the administrative burden on sites so they can focus on what’s important – conducting great research and taking care of their research participants”
Dr. Rebecca Kush - President, CEO
“CDISC has greatly valued our collaboration with HealthCarePoint, and we consider them a tremendous asset in our efforts to reach out to broader, global audiences about the benefits of the CDISC standards,” emphasized Dr. Rebecca Kush, CDISC president and CEO. “Reaching and training these new audiences on how to implement and use the CDISC standards is a crucial part of achieving the CDISC vision to ‘inform patient care and safety through higher quality medical research.”
Walter J. Koroshetz, MD
“When NINDS produced a full and accurate, high quality program for the NIH Stroke Scale in 2002, we knew it was something the research community badly needed. But I don’t think we could have ever dreamed that the program would reach this many people. We are impressed by the fact that this important medical tool has been made available globally, and to so many disciplines.”
Theresa Linville - Data Specialist
Carrol Hospital - Westminster, MD
“The HCP Network has shown to save our organization thousands of dollars in time and resources by tracking hundreds of our associates’ verified professional experience and training credentials in real time from different organizations, which are normally required by regulatory agencies, the Joint Commission and NCQA among others.”
Elsa Azevedo, MD, PhD
São João Hospital Center, University of Porto, Portugal; Pedro Castro, MD, São João Hospital Center, University of Porto
“The Portuguese language is spoken by 244 million people worldwide. The NIHSS certification has become a vastly important initiative, allowing healthcare providers to transnationaly use the instrument as a standard of care, ultimately leading to better outcomes for stroke patients.”
Diederik WJ Dippel, MD - Professor, Erasmus
MC University Medical Center
“The NIHSS is used widely In the Netherlands during trials. Now we have the opportunity to promote its use in routine care by certified ER personnel, stroke nurses and neurologists, and I am convinced that this will improve the care and clinical outcomes of our stroke patients.”
Arnold Hoppe, MD - Director
Facultad de Medicina Clínica Alemana, Universidad del Desarrollo, Santiago de Chile
“Spanish is spoken by nearly 406 million people in 31 countries. Not only has the Spanish-NIHSS become widely used across most of the Spanish-speaking world, it has also become a unifying tool for research, stroke registers, quality control and everyday clinical work. We are very proud of being a part of this global effort.”
Arnold Hoppe, MD - Director
Facultad de Medicina Clínica Alemana, Universidad del Desarrollo, Santiago de Chile
“Spanish is spoken by nearly 406 million people in 31 countries. Not only has the Spanish-NIHSS become widely used across most of the Spanish-speaking world, it has also become a unifying tool for research, stroke registers, quality control and everyday clinical work. We are very proud of being a part of this global effort.”
Francesca Romana Pezzella, MD, PhD, MSc Stroke Unit, DEM, AOS
St Camillo Forlanini, Roma
“When the Italian-NIHSS became public, we thought we would be helping Italian stroke physicians and nurses to improve their ability to use the scale in the proper way. Over the years, we came to realize that NIHSS is not only a scale, it now belongs to a new vision of modern stroke care!”
Ramesh Sahathevan, MD, Ph.D, MRCP, M.Med
Universiti Kebangsaan, Malaysia Medical Centre
“Stroke is a major health concern in Malaysia due to the steady increase in the prevalence of vascular risk factors and a growing number of elderly. Thrombolysis for stroke is in its early days in Malaysia. Because access to the standardized program is free, it should become more widespread among healthcare providers, just as it has in other countries, and hopefully will lead to a reduction in assessment delays and improved patient care.”
Lynn Meyer - President
IntegReview IRB
“In an effort to provide unsurpassed customer service, it is our goal to eliminate duplication for the sites. Ultimately, IntegReview believes that working with BlueCloud to collaborate between investigator sites and the IRBs will result in efficiencies realized by all players. We look forward to participating in this initiative.”